Hi Kurt,

thanks for preparing python-ulmo.  I recived the request for sponsering
via the SoB wiki[1].  To make sure you will fully understand the meaning
of adding a package to a task I'd like to the latest commit[2] which
really generates the URL you tried to point to in the line of the SoB
table.  The sense of the SoB page is that new maintainers will learn
more about Blends and understand the concept.  So you should make sure
that the package is really added to the task (either by pinging the
mailinglist in advance to make somebody adding it or by creating a pull
request) before the web sentinel entry is created.  You should also
understand that since it seems to be a development tool (no user
application) it rather should go to meteorology-dev metapackage (please
confirm that this is true).

I'll upload the package soon, despite not all SoB preconditions are
fulfilled - please make sure that this will be the case next time.

Kind regards and thanks for preparing this package


[1] https://wiki.debian.org/DebianPureBlends/SoB


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