
In recent releases, openmpi and mpich have been reorganised so that libopenmpi3 / libopenmmpi-devĀ  are multi-arch enabled.

They are M-A: same, allowing the cross-building (and use of pkg-config). However, mpicc/ mpifort and friends hence could

not fit into this framework, and so they have been moved from libopenmpi-dev to openmpi-bin.

(Similarly, mpicc is in the binary package mpich).

Currently libopenmpi-dev depends on openmpi-bin, in order to ensure that mpicc, etc. are present when users expect.

This is bad (a M-A: foreign package depending on a non-MA package).

So I propose that mpi-defaults-dev depend on openmpi-bin as well as libopenmpi-dev (on relevant archs) and similarly for mpich.

Are there any objections / better solutions ?

Best regards


Alastair McKinstry, <alast...@sceal.ie>, <mckins...@debian.org>, 
Misentropy: doubting that the Universe is becoming more disordered.

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