Dear FTP Team,

The Debian Med Team is currently in its third hackathon [1] to enable
better tools for doctors and scientists to fight COVID-19. Our
longest-running effort, which we started at the beginning of the first
COVID-19 hackathon, is now almost at an end! I uploaded the bootstrap
variant of the Bazel build system to NEW a couple days ago [2]. This has
only one build-dependency that is not in Debian yet. [3] Once both
packages clear NEW, TensorFlow and other pieces of software that use the
Bazel build system will be available to Debian users. More specifically,
this software will be available to the above-mentioned doctors and

I'd like to also take this opportunity to publicly acknowledge the
amazing support that we received from the Google Bazel team. Without
their tireless efforts to help us enable the Bazel build system to be
Debian-friendly, we could not have accomplished this. Their support for
Debian and global health has been extremely motivating for those of us
working (in our own ways) to fight this global crisis.

With all of that being said, this will be the last time during this
endeavor that I will be asking for special consideration. I greatly
appreciate all the expedited NEW processing of the 14 Bazel build
dependencies that you previously approved. If possible, I would greatly
appreciate it if one of you was able to take a quick look at these
remaining two packages. I'm available to address any issues or questions
you may have.

Thank you very much in advance!!



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