Hi All,

I am working on packaging gjh_asl_json (https://github.com/ghackebeil/gjh_asl_json).

For gjh_asl_json, it is necessary to fetch |http://www.ampl.com/netlib/ampl/solvers.tgz - |https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/gjh-asl-json/-/blob/master/Thirdparty/get.ASL#L6

in order to be able to compile the program - https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/gjh-asl-json/-/blob/master/Makefile#L27

Searching repos for netlib one can get:


sudo apt-cache search netlib

libblas-dev - Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines 3, static library
libblas-test - Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines 3, testing programs
libblas3 - Basic Linear Algebra Reference implementations, shared library
gdl-mpfit - Robust non-linear least squares curve fitting for GDL
libmtj-java - Java library for developing numerical applications
libnetlib-java - collection of mission-critical software components for linear algebra systems

I would like to kindly as for your opinion on the usage of those libraries or adding |http://www.ampl.com/netlib/ampl/solvers.tgz |as separate package.

Many thanks !



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