* Richard Hartmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008-12-08 09:54]:
> On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 09:32, Nico Golde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I think your imagination of the process is way to easy,
> > it's more than reading and directly editing the tracker, the
> > same process like the one for new CVE ids apply, checking if
> > the package is in Debian, if not checking if there is an itp
> > or if it's NFU,
> Can be done with a script of a few lines (unless the whole
> thing has been renamed).

This can not be done with a script exactly because of this.

> > check other packages embedding this source
> > code,
> Should be do-able with a few more lines, but will probably
> need manual verification.

Huh? Please come up with code if you think it's that easy. 
In the past we did some checks for this using clamav 
signatures and I can tell you, it's not that easy.

> > check other packages having similar code...
> Needs manual verification & work.
> Yet, none of these speak against a pointer of the fix already
> being available once the above steps have been finished. And
> that is what Michael is offering.
> It will certainly not make every issue disappear magically. But
> it may help in quite a few cases.

What speaks against this is that we already have serious 
manpower lacks with the normal tracker data and unless this 
is solved this is a waste of resources.

Nico Golde - http://www.ngolde.de - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - GPG: 0x73647CFF
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