On Wed, 12 Jan 2022 12:44:14 +0800
Paul Wise <p...@debian.org> wrote:

> On Tue, 2022-01-11 at 11:20 +0000, Neil Williams wrote:
> > I might need to brush up on my Perl and make a patch for lintian
> > which downloads the sec tracker JSON and checks the CVE list in the
> > .changes file - warnings from lintian are more likely to get fixed
> > prior to upload. Depends if you think this happens sufficiently
> > often that it is a problem worth solving. (Considering how long
> > it's been since I did that amount of code in Perl, maybe I'm better
> > filing the bug against lintian and seeing if someone else can come
> > up with a patch... - again, only if it happens sufficiently often.)
> >  
> FTR, lintian does not do any network requests, so this approach won't
> be accepted. The best option you can get is a script to do the
> download at the lintian release time. Unfortunately this means the
> data will get outdated quickly and make the check less useful.
> This check could be added to devscripts, debsecan or duck.

debsecan looks promising. It already has support for reporting a list
of CVEs by source_package name, directly from
https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/ and it's Python3. I'll
have a look at a patch which accepts a .changes file or d.changelog
entry and verifies if all listed CVEs actually exist for the source
package of that change.

> The sectracker JSON is very large, so I think that a new API will be
> needed for any tool that implements such a check.


Neil Williams

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