On Wed, Mar 10, 2004 at 07:44:11PM +0100, Florian Weimer wrote:
> Hmm, has there been any Mozilla security update for woody?  This looks
> like a *lot* of work.  Maybe it's better to take some other
> distribution's Mozilla 1.4 package and ship that. 8->

That's highly unlikely to happen.  It's been discussed before.  In fact,
at one point somebody uploaded mozilla 1.0.2 to stable-proposed-updates,
but that was rejected.  Apparently, although the mozilla developers
claimed they wouldn't do it, 1.0.2 broke compatibility with derivitive
browsers like Galeon.  I don't recall the details.

When I was working on trying to construct a security upload for mozilla
a while back, I was basing a lot of my work on mozilla 1.0.1 (1.0.2
wasn't out yet).  By examining the list of bugs fixed in 1.0.1, I had a
good place to start to try and track down some patches.  Unfortunately,
the changes were rather large and in many cases were not entirely
self-contained and would have wound up pulling even more new code in.

It was, generally, a fairly painful experience, and although I did get
some patches applied (and tested!) I never felt like I made significant
progress toward fixing all the known bugs.  I haven't looked at the code
in quite some time.  Honestly, at this point, who uses Mozilla 1.0?


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