hi list

i'm looking at how debconf manages configuration, especially passwords. i've a broken 
installation of cacti on a debian woody.
i put a wrong passwd and debconf doesn't ask (dpkg-reconfigre or dpkg -P & 
--reinstall) me again package configuration.

i can see in /var/lib/dpkg/info/cacti.postinst

     33 get_config()
     34 {
     35    db_get cacti/mysql_server
     36    mysql_server="$RET"
     37    db_get cacti/database
     38    database="$RET"
     39    db_get cacti/root_mysql
     40    root_mysql="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
     41    db_get cacti/root_password
     42    root_passwd="none"
     43    db_get cacti/username
     44    username="cacti"
     45    db_get cacti/password
     46    password="cacti"
     47    db_get cacti/webserver
     48    webserver="$RET"
     49 }

where is this info stored ? how can i modify it ? 
/var/cache/debconf/passwords.dat doesn't exist

any ideas ?

thanks !

        jorge salamero . bencer qzbit
     http://bencer.org . linux reg user #318695
         debian gnu/linux ppc unstable

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