$ /bin/sh
rbash: /bin/sh: restricted: cannot specify `/' in command names

Francois, if you want to know more about rbash, take a look at:


On Wed, Nov 15, 2000 at 08:11:23PM +0100, Francois Cerbelle wrote:
> Le Wed, Nov 15, 2000 at 12:59:44PM -0200, Pedro Zorzenon Neto ecrit :
> >    I changed in /etc/passwd
> >      home directory of my restricted users to: /usr/local/bin/restricted
> >      users's shell to: /bin/rbash
> >    And created .bashrc .bash_profile in /usr/local/bin/restricted with:
> >      export PATH=~
> >    Then I put the commands I want to give access
> >      ln -s /bin/commandX /usr/local/bin/restricted/commandX
> I don't know this shell, but I wonder what happens if the restricted user 
> type exactly the following command :
> /bin/sh
> ???
> -- 
> Amicalement / Friendly
> Francois

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