Hmm. Here's a suggestion.

- This idea is based on the asumtion that espesially serversystems need good security.

1. Make a votingpage and anounce it on debian-users asking what are the main servers people are running on their debian systems.

2. Go through the 10 highest and make sure they follow secure practies like libsafe.

3. Support security in these servers also for testing and unstable.

I think it would be worthwhile to rethink the philosophy of debian-stable. Instead of saying the next version of debian is stable when all it's packages are stable, how about defining a stable version of each package, and saying that stable is a dynamic target. In the age of highspeed conections, most most people could then install debian over the 'net instead of the install cd's.

I apoligize to all the people reading this list for filling it with rants. Will stop now.


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