Brandon High <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> >> should I open(accept) or close(deny, perhaps reject?) the port 113???
>> >
>> >I've got it closed on my machines. I don't know what you might need it
>> >for.
>> We've been through at least once, haven't we? *sigh*

Obligatory link: <>. 

I say you should close the port with a TCP RST flag unless you know otherwise.

> I know what port 113 is for:
> schitzo:~[1]> grep 113 /etc/services 
> auth            113/tcp         authentication tap ident
> I just don't know what you might need the ident server for.

You use it to provide userid details to folks who want to know who's
responsible for a given connection from your machine. Notably this includes
mail, FTP and IRC servers.


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