Hi Jarrod,

On Wed, Jul 31, 2002, Jarrod Friedland wrote:
> hi all
> Im new to this however I dont beleive the problem being experienced is due 
> to my newbiehoodism
> in my sources.list file I have the following entry +
> deb ftp://security.debian.org/ stable/updates main contrib non-free

I've noticed this as well.  In my experience, I've seen that the security
upgrades via 'apt-get' only work with the http protocol specified in the
above 'sources.list' line, even though all my other 'sources.list' line work
fine with the ftp protocol.  So, I'd guess that the following would work for
you as well:

    deb http://security.debian.org/ stable/updates main contrib non-free

Hopefully, others on this list can comment as to why this is so, and as to
whether security.debian.org plans to allow ftp 'apt-get' upgrades.

HTH, and take care,

Daniel A. Freedman
Laboratory for Atomic and Solid State Physics
Department of Physics
Cornell University

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