
Am 13:28 03/08/02 +0200 hat Cristian Ionescu-Idbohrn geschrieben:
>On Fri, 2 Aug 2002, Michelle Konzack wrote:
>> there is a Debian-Package ssl-nfs (or secure-nfs) in the Mirror...
>> It is much more save the all other trics with your Networks.
>And what mirror would that be? Any pointers?

I do not know, where I have downloaded it, because my own linux-mirror 
(200 GB) is crashed while I was in in hospital last year... 

I think it was a name like:     sslnfs, ssl-nfs, nfs-ssl, 
                                nfsssl or secure-nfs

It was packed as rpm and deb.
Maybe I had downloaded it from http://www.linuxberg.com/ (tucows)


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