On Thursday, 2003-05-08 at 10:53:54 +0200, Rudolph van Graan wrote:

> What I would have like to see was something like this: [Please think of
> this in terms of "stable" or "testing"]

> Package                       Class
> ====================================
> apt                           Security
> apt-utils                     Security
> aterm                         Features
> bonobo-activation     Test
> ...

> And then maybe I could tell apt-get to only load the security patches. 

Updates to Testing happen because the package has proven to be
sufficiently OK in unstable. Maybe a developer can explain the criteria,
I don't know them. There are no classes, and I don't think there will
be. Read a changelog and you will see all kinds of changes being put in
at the same time.

Updates to Stable happen because of security-related problems. That's
why it's called security.debian.org. There are no feature upgrades to
Stable. Not even for thnigs like snort signatures. If you want new
features in Stable, get the packages from Testing or Unstable. Of
course, this would currently mean upgrading a good part of your

Or, get the source, and build packages on Stable.

Otherwise, no new features.

Lupe Christoph
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]       |           http://www.lupe-christoph.de/ |
| "Violence is the resort of the violent" Lu Tze                         |
| "Thief of Time", Terry Pratchett                                       |

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