I'm not running nautilus... however I listing port 37021 in tiger return
When this port has been used, I did see my ssh  conection in the moment.
I'm running portsentry and when I run tiger, it was disable. I wanna
only understand why do it  happen?

Em Seg, 2004-01-26 às 18:38, Yannick Roehlly escreveu:
> Thiago Ribeiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Hi, When I run tiger, I got a follow error: NEW: --WARN--
> > [rootkit004f] Chkrootkit has detected a possible rootkit installation
> > NEW: Warning: Possible LKM Trojan installed But I alredy list my
> > proccess and did find nothing...  What's can be this?
> Are you runing nautilus?
> Apparently, some of the nautilus processes are hidden (I don't know why)
> and thus make chkrootkit complain about possible LKM infection.
> Try a: $ chkrootkit -x lkm
> Yannick

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