Has [EMAIL PROTECTED] been directed away from debian-private?  It's
probably a good move.  In the past, the old setup resulted in some
confusion because submitters usually do not expect that security@ is
read by all people in the organization. 8-)

I can't find any documentation for that change.  Does this mean that
security vulnerabilities are no longer to be discussed on
debian-private (which seems to have happened accidentally in the

Current mail filters: many dial-up/DSL/cable modem hosts, and the
following domains: bigpond.com, di-ve.com, fuorissimo.com, hotmail.com,
jumpy.it, libero.it, netscape.net, postino.it, simplesnet.pt, spymac.com,
tiscali.co.uk, tiscali.cz, tiscali.it, voila.fr, yahoo.com.

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