On Thu, 2017-04-20 at 08:29 -0600, John Floren wrote:

> grep should nevertheless be able to discover if the sequence
> "linux-image" appears in the output, and since it did not I was
> looking for guidance on how to find it.

Hmm, true. I guess something went wrong with the download, did you
manually inspect the results of the download?

curl http://snapshot.debian.org/mr/package/ | less

> I need to determine specific configuration options that were used to
> compile the Debian kernels over time, because those determine offsets
> within kernel structures, which is important for some experimentation
> I'm doing. I wanted to pull /boot/config-<uname> from each package.

That sounds interesting, what are your experiments about?

> After some experimentation with Ubuntu kernels, I realized that the
> Debian/Ubuntu kernel versioning scheme means I actually want to fetch
> the kernel *source* packages, because matching up a Debian kernel
> version to a commit on Linus's git tree is Non Trivial.

Yeah, that sounds problematic.

> I've already fetched a mess of Ubuntu kernel source .debs from
> archive.ubuntu.com and set up a script to unpack the deb, make a tweak
> to the source, and do the early compilation needed to generate the
> offsets I need. I will play around with the API some more today and
> see if I can get the Debian source packages I need from that,
> otherwise I may have to fall back onto scripting curl.




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