On Mon, 23 Oct 2017, Yaroslav Halchenko wrote:
>       >>  return super(DictCursor, self).execute(query, vars)

>       ProgrammingError: could not determine which collation to use for string 
> comparison HINT: Use the COLLATE clause to set the collation explicitly

So it is about sorting by debversion:

snapshotdb=> SELECT * FROM binpkg WHERE binpkg.name='python-mvpa2' ORDER BY 
ERROR:  could not determine which collation to use for string comparison
HINT:  Use the COLLATE clause to set the collation explicitly.
snapshotdb=> \d binpkg
                                      Table "public.binpkg"
  Column   |          Type          |                         Modifiers         
 binpkg_id | integer                | not null default 
 name      | character varying(128) | not null
 version   | debversion             | not null
 srcpkg_id | integer                | not null
    "binpkg_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (binpkg_id)
    "binpkg_idx_name" btree (name)
Foreign-key constraints:
    "binpkg_srcpkg_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (srcpkg_id) REFERENCES srcpkg(srcpkg_id)
Referenced by:
    TABLE "file_binpkg_mapping" CONSTRAINT "file_binpkg_mapping_binpkg_id_fkey" 
FOREIGN KEY (binpkg_id) REFERENCES binpkg(binpkg_id)

and apparently I was missing postgresql-9.4-debversion postgresql-plperl-9.4
for this version of the postgres -- installed, and restarted but unfortunately
didn't resolve the issue yet.  

any recollection on possible ingredients to make sorting by debversion

Yaroslav O. Halchenko
Center for Open Neuroscience     http://centerforopenneuroscience.org
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834                       Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419
WWW:   http://www.linkedin.com/in/yarik        

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