
After a long timeout (familial caused) I work on my Sun Ultra Sparc
Circus again - ranging from several Ultra 1 up to Blade 1500 and Sun
Fire 210 (and an SS20 used for my weekly mail bacḱup - but that's 32 bit

The Suns - as old as they are - are used as Scanner Server, SCSI
Raid Disk Array Hosts, Subversion Server etc.

Latest Debian Sparc stable version is Wheezy - and that's what I'm
using on my Ultra Spracs today.

Fortunately (Adrian: thanks) the Debain Sparc port is alive again.

My question: I need a Debian Version thats at least "production
intent". Otherwise, backup on these machines is nonsense.

Does the current Debian Sparc base on testing or unstable? (bad
experience with unstable on HPPA ...)




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