He vist això, me'n vaig a probar-ho i ja informaré...

> I have seen lowmem.bin by debian.
> Can I use it for deb 2.2 on a low memory
> AMD 386 40MHZ 7808KB ??
> I have try with ROOT.BIN and RESCUE.BIN
> from the 2.2 French
> and LOWMEM.BIN 2.1 french by ftp
> but it failed when the rescue were asqued
> after partitions were made.

Mixing between 2.2 amd 2.1 will likely cause problems. I suggest you
install all 2.1, and then upgrade via dselect to 2.2.

Older releases are usually available from archive.debian.org, at the
moment archive.debian.org isn't responding to me, but in principle you
should be able to get 2.1 install disks from it.

> Can I continue searching that way or
> there is no way to put Linux on that
> PC.
don't lose heart :-) 2.1 should install on systems with only
4 MB or RAM, so you should be okay.

> I am new with Debian. I try it because that
> lowmem.bin.

Glad to have you abord, let us know how it goes :-)


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