Com va l'estiu?

Algú ha aconseguit compilar el Quake3?

A mi amb Debian Sarge em falla amb aquest error:

q3lcc -DQ3_VM -DCGAME -S -Wf-target=bytecode -Wf-g -Icgame -Igame -Iq3_ui -c 
debug-x86-Linux-2.3/Q3/cgame/cgame/cg_main.c -o 
cpp: debug-x86-Linux-2.3/Q3/cgame/cgame/cg_main.c:24 Syntax error in #include
cpp: debug-x86-Linux-2.3/Q3/cgame/cgame/cg_main.c:26 Syntax error in 
cpp: debug-x86-Linux-2.3/Q3/cgame/cgame/cg_main.c:68 Syntax error in 
cpp: debug-x86-Linux-2.3/Q3/cgame/cgame/cg_main.c:186 Syntax error in 
cpp: debug-x86-Linux-2.3/Q3/cgame/cgame/cg_main.c:267 Syntax error in 
cpp: debug-x86-Linux-2.3/Q3/cgame/cgame/cg_main.c:269 Syntax error in #else


cpp: debug-x86-Linux-2.3/Q3/cgame/cgame/cg_main.c:1954 Syntax error in 
cpp: debug-x86-Linux-2.3/Q3/cgame/cgame/cg_main.c:1985 Syntax error in 
cons: *** [debug-x86-Linux-2.3/Q3/cgame/cgame/cg_main.asm] Error 1
cons: errors constructing debug-x86-Linux-2.3/Q3/cgame/cgame/cg_main.asm

Suposo que és una tonteria però no sé de què va tot això...
la instrucció que he fet servir per compilar és:
./unix/cons -- gcc=gcc-2.95 g++=g++-2.95


That's all you need tae dae in life. Just be yourself, he'd tell me.
It was the most difficult, challenging thing anybody ever asked of me.
--Irvine Welsh's Glue.

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