Plugin de Firefox: It's All Text!

I obre-ho al teu editor de capçalera.
Jordi Funollet Pujol

On Thu, Sep 17, 2015, at 03:34 PM, Alex Muntada wrote:
> Robert Marsellés:
> > Tot i això, em perdo. Tants símbols, tots juntets, amb la finestreta
> > petiteta, ... Algú me'n pot recomanar algun, senzillet si us plau.
> > Habitualment m'ho busco jo jo però avui em sento sense forces per triar
> > entre tota la munió que en deu haver.
> editmoin allows you to edit pages in MoinMoin wikis with your preferred
> editor instead of the (usually quite limited) web browser text areas.
> It also supports configuration files to define shortcuts for URLs that
> you edit often.
> This package also includes a Vim syntax file. Install vim-addon-manager
> and use "vim-addons install editmoin" to activate.
> However, you can use any other editor by setting the standard $EDITOR
> environment variable.
> Salut,
> Alex

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