Hello Debian friends!

The Community day for foss-north 2023: https://foss-north.se/2023/ has
been announced and is decided to be on Sunday 23th April 2023 in
Gothenburg. Any Debian people in the Nordics that want to do anything
then? as i did talk about last year or not?

On Sat, Jul 23, 2022 at 11:06 AM Luna Jernberg <droidbit...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Debianites!
> I updated the Wiki page during the meeting of Local Teams at Debconf
> 2022 in Kosovo
> Don't have the energy to host any events myself
> https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEvents/Nordic and not sure if anyone
> wanna host something this year, but guessed maybe we can have
> something at the psychical foss-north 2023 in Gothenburg in April
> 2023: https://foss-north.se/
> And also there was discussions about making the Matrix Chat server
> more official and move it from :debian.social to :debian.org
> https://pad.dc22.debconf.org/p/4-debiansocial-bof there will be
> another meeting about this 23:e August 20:00-21.00

Besvar via email