Bernhard Josef Rieder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Seit einiger Zeit habe ich meinen kleinen privaten debian-mirror den
> ich mittels lftp über Nacht aktualisieren lasse.

> Seitdem es aber (in nun-US) die package pools gibt, funktioniert mein
> schönes Skript leider nicht mehr.

> Jetzt stehe ich vor der Entscheidung, es entweder unzuschreiben oder
> etwas völlig anderes (rsync) zu verwenden, wobei mir letztere Version
> natürlich lieber währe.

> Daraus ergeben sich für mich zwei Fragen:

> a) Wo finde ich infos dazu?

Joey Hess hat ein Skript auf debian-devel gepostet, dass deine Wuensche
befriedigen sollte, ich habe es nicht getestet oder ueberprueft,
haenge es aber einfach unten an.
      hth, cu andreas
PS: Deine Signature ist viel zu lang.
PPS: Dafuer ist sie richtig abgetrennt ;-)

From: Joey Hess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: non-US now using package pools

James Troup wrote:
> FYI, non-US has been converted to package pools.  Please report any
> problems with non-US uploads or the non-US archive in general.  The
> plan is, barring catastrophes, to proceed with implementation on auric
> as soon as possible (read: days).

Of course we all know this is just an evil plot by James to stamp out
all partial mirrors. Luckily, I have been able to foil this plan by writing
a partial mirroring script that is pool-aware.

#!/bin/sh -e
# Anon rsync partial mirror of Debian with package pool support.
# Copyright 1999, 2000 by Joey Hess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, GPL'd.

# Flags to pass to rsync. More can be specified on the command line.
# These flags are always passed to rsync:
FLAGS="$@ -rLpt --partial"
# These flags are not passed in when we are getting files from pools.
# In particular, --delete is a horrid idea at that point, but good here.
FLAGS_NOPOOL="$FLAGS --exclude Packages --delete"
# And these flags are passed in only when we are getting files from pools.
# Remember, do _not_ include --delete.
# The host to connect to. Currently must carry both non-us and main
# and support anon rsync, which limits the options somewhat.
# Where to put the mirror (absolute path, please):
# The distribution to mirror:
# Architecture to mirror:
# Should source be mirrored too?
# The sections to mirror (main, non-free, etc):
SECTIONS="main contrib non-free"
# Should a contents file kept up to date?
# Should symlinks be generated to every deb, in an "all" directory?
# I find this is very handy to ease looking up deb filenames.


mkdir -p $DEST/dists $DEST/pool

# Snarf the contents file.
if [ "$CONTENTS" = yes ]; then
        mkdir -p $DEST/misc
        rsync $FLAGS_NOPOOL \
                $HOST::debian/dists/$DIST/Contents-${ARCH}.gz \

if [ "$SOURCE" = yes ]; then

# Download packages files (and .debs and sources too, until we move fully
# to pools).
for type in binary-${ARCH} $SOURCE; do
        for section in $SECTIONS; do
                mkdir -p $DEST/non-US/$section/$type $DEST/$section/$type
                rsync $FLAGS_NOPOOL \
                        $HOST::debian-non-US/dists/$DIST/non-US/$section/$type \
                rsync $FLAGS_NOPOOL \
                        $HOST::debian/dists/$DIST/$section/$type \

# Update the package pool.
# Note that the same pool is used for non-us as everything else.
# TODO: probably needs to be optimized, we'll see as time goes by..
cd $DEST/pool || exit 1
rm -f .filelist

# Get a list of all the files that are in the pool based on the Packages
# files that were already updated. Thanks to aj for the awk-fu.
for file in `find $DEST -name Packages.gz | \
                xargs -r zgrep -i ^Filename: | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | grep ^pool/` \
            `find $DEST -name Sources.gz | xargs -r zcat | \
                    awk '/^Directory:/ {D=$2} /Files:/,/^$/ { \
                        if ($1 != "Files:" && $0 != "") print D "/" $3; \
                }' | grep ^pool/`
        DIRS="`dirname $file` $DIRS"
        echo $file >> .filelist

# Remove leading "pool" from all files in the file list.
# The "./" we change it to is there so the file names
# exactly match in the delete step and the files that get downloaded
# are not deleted.
sed 's!^pool/!./!' .filelist >
mv -f .filelist

(cd .. && mkdir -p $DIRS)
# Tell rsync to download only the files in the list. The exclude is here 
# to make the recursion not get anything else.
# TODO: main pool needs to be donwloaded from too, once there is one.
rsync $FLAGS_POOL \
        $HOST::debian-non-US/pool/ --include-from .filelist --exclude '*' .
# Delete all files that are not in the list, then any empty directories.
# This also kills the filelist.
find -type f | fgrep -vxf .filelist | xargs -r rm -f
find -type d -empty | xargs -r rmdir -p --ignore-fail-on-non-empty
# End of package pool update.

# Update symlinks (I like to have a link to every .deb in one directory).
if [ "$SYMLINK_FARM" = yes ]; then
        install -d  $DEST/all
        cd $DEST/all || exit 1
        find -name \*.deb | xargs -r rm -f
        find .. -name "*.deb" -type f | grep -v ^../all | \
                xargs -r -i ln -sf {} .

# Waste bandwidth. Put a partial mirror on your laptop today!

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