Janto Trappe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In der Manpage fuer unix_chkpwd steht:

>        This program is not intended to be called directly by
>        users and will log to syslog if it is calledimporperly
>        (i.e., by some one trying exploit it).

> Warum ist bei potato unix_chkpwd setuid root wenn es a) in /sbin/
> liegt und b) sowieso nicht von usern ausgefuehrt werden soll?
> Bugreport?

| A helper binary, unix_chkpwd, is provided to check the user's
| password when it is stored in a read protected database.  This
| binary is very simple and will only check the password of the
| user invoking it.  It is called transparently on behalf of the
| user by the authenticating component of this module.  In this
| way it is possible for applications like xlock to work without
| being setuid-root.
           cu andreas
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