Op 2011-08-27T15:22:53+0000 schreef Jaap van Wingerde
<mailingli...@vanwingerde.net> in bericht
<20110827152253.696dd...@jaap.jaap.custard.shrl.nl>, inzake "openvpn
script", het volgende:

> Hoe los ik dit op?

Ik heb nog even geƫxperimenteerd met "script-security-level 2 system",
maar dat hielp niet.

"--script-security level [method]
    This directive offers policy-level control over OpenVPN's usage of
    external programs and scripts. Lower level values are more
    restrictive, higher values are more permissive. Settings for level:

    0 -- Strictly no calling of external programs.
    1 -- (Default) Only call built-in executables such as ifconfig, ip,
    route, or netsh. 2 -- Allow calling of built-in executables and
    user-defined scripts. 3 -- Allow passwords to be passed to scripts
    via environmental variables (potentially unsafe).

    The method parameter indicates how OpenVPN should call external
    commands and scripts. Settings for method:

    execve -- (default) Use execve() function on Unix family OSes and
    CreateProcess() on Windows. system -- Use system() function
    (deprecated and less safe since the external program command line
    is subject to shell expansion).

    The --script-security option was introduced in OpenVPN 2.1_rc9. For
    configuration file compatibility with previous OpenVPN versions,
    use: --script-security 3 system"


Jaap van Wingerde
e-mail: 1234567...@vanwingerde.net
web: http://jaap.vanwingerde.net/

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