Thus spake Gael PEGLIASCO on Tue, Nov 06, 2001 at 02:38:37PM +0100:
> Driver  "nvidia" # (bien sur)
> Option  "NvAgp" "2"

personnellement, je n'ai PAS compilé agpart dans mon noyau, et
mon XF86Config-4 ressemble à ça:

Section "Device"        
        Identifier      "geforce"               
        Driver          "nvidia" 
        Option          "NoLogo" "1"
        # nécessaire ??
        BusID           "PCI:1:0:0"

ce qui donne:
$ cat /proc/nv/card0
----- Driver Info ----- 
NVRM Version: 1.0-1541
------ Card Info ------
Model:        GeForce2 MX
IRQ:          10
Video BIOS:
------ AGP Info -------
AGP status:   Enabled
AGP Driver:   NVIDIA
Bridge:       Via Apollo Pro KT133
SBA:          Supported [disabled]
FW:           Supported [disabled]
Rates:        4x 2x 1x  [4x]
Registers:    0x1f000217:0x00000104

Et ça roule sans aucun pb [majeur].

O give me a home,
Where the buffalo roam,
Where the deer and the antelope play,
Where seldom is heard
A discouraging word,
'Cause what can an antelope say?

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