
Je cherche des partenaires (académiques, industriels, TPE) intéressés par une soumission de projet en rapport avec l'intelligence artificielle symbolique.

Pas seulement en France, mais dans toute l'Union Européenne

message bilingue, à retransmettre largement
Sur mon temps libre je développe avec d'autres le logiciel libre d'I.A. symbolique RefPerSys.

Je suis membre (à titre personnel) de l'APRIL (voir ...) comme de l' AFIA (voir ...),

Vous pourriez être intéressé par le dernier livre de Jacques Pitrat <> (décédé en octobre 2019, Pitrat fut le premier chercheur en intelligence artificielle symbolique en France).

 Artificial Beings: the Conscience of a Conscious Machine

ISBN-13: 978-1848211018

et par son livre plus ancien /Métaconnaissances : futur de l'intelligence artificielle/ (Hermès 1990)

Je développe avec d'autres -actuellement le soir, ou en weekend- le système /RefPerSys/ (logiciel libre d'intelligence artificielle symbolique, sous licence GPLv3+, pour Linux). Voir le site et plusieurs présentations en

Je cherche des applications, des utilisateurs,  et un financement pour ce système /RefPerSys/ (inspiré de ce livreISBN-13: 978-1848211018). J'y reprend les idées de Jacques Pitrat, qui fut mon directeur de thèse (soutenue en 1990 à Paris LIP6)

Je travaille au CEA LIST <> (actuellement en cybersecurité sur l'analyseur statique de code C / C++ Bismon <> et Frama-C <>) mais je souhaite réorienter ma R&D vers l'IA symbolique.

Peut-être avez vous des étudiants ou des collègues intéressés par RefPerSys <>? Le code (sous licence GPLv3+, pour Linux) est en et en <>refpersys-in-c

Actuellement RefPerSys a: un système de persistence dans des fichiers JSON.

Nous travaillons à une interface utilisateur, et le mécanisme d'agenda.

Un financement pour RefPerSys pourrait être obtenu via l'ANR, ITEA, etc....

Si vous êtes intéressé, contactez moi aussi sur mon email professionnel


You (or our students, friends, or colleagues) could be interested by the /RefPerSys/ -a reflexive& persistent system- open source symbolic artificial intelligence system (GPLv3+ licensed, for Linux) - *work in progress*

See for details. (It is in july-november 2021 an unfunded project)

It is related to the work of the late Jacques Pitrat (1934 - oct. 2019) who was the director of my PhD jury, defended in Paris in 1990.

You probably would enjoy reading both Pitrat's blog, still on and his last book:

 Artificial Beings: the Conscience of a Conscious Machine

ISBN-13: 978-1848211018

(that book also contains something relevant to machine learning with metarules)

My professional work at CEA LIST <> in France is on cybersecurity on /Bismon/, a static source code analyzer above GCC for C and C++ code : code is on and funding happens thru the DECODER <>projects. They could end quickly. My professional email is

/RefPerSys/ is currently (july - november 2021) a pet or hobby project (coded with others in C++, and we are rewriting it in C for non-technical reasons), but I am trying to find some contributors (some of them are in India), maybe funds and applications for it (and dream of being able to work on, it part time in a few months). It is (as a Linux application) orthogonally persistent and generates C++ (and hopefully soon C) code. The insight is to generate a lot more and more C or C++ code from a more declarative description, as advocated by the late Jacques Pitrat.
Perhaps you could be interested in contributing to RefPerSys?

Perhaps you have students or colleagues interested in actively contributing to RefPerSys?

Perhaps RefPerSys could be useful to some students or become a starting point for some *fut**ure* HorizonEurope <> submission, or ITEA <> proposal....? Or any kind of project which could partly fund RefPerSys? In such case email me also at work:

A rewrite of RefPerSys in C is happening on

*Please forward this email to interested persons.*

If you (or your students) have programming skills (on Linux), consider downloading, contributing to, improving RefPerSys

(The current work on RefPerSys is to add -painfully- a web interface to it, and before that a GTK or Qt interface; the major theme is metaprogramming with metarules, but so far we have too few generated C++ code and we are actively working on increasing it; and the current state of RefPerSys is shamefully unpleasant - only a few objects, and a non-working user interface)

If you are able to understand a French talk I have given, see the talks on

My constraints are: RefPerSys <> is for Linux /only/, and I am only capable of producing PDF documents with LaTeX <> (but not with Microsoft software) I never used in my life any Microsoft Windows operating system (only Linux), and at the age of 62 I don't have the time -or the motivation- to learn how to use a Microsoft Windows operating system. But I am using Linux both at home and at work since 1993.

A mailing list for RefPerSys also exists, archived on

If some partners are interested in using RefPerSys in some formal collaboration (e.g. HorizonEurope), please contact me by email at office:

Respectful regards from near Paris in France

Basile Starynkevitch<>
(only mine opinions / les opinions sont miennes uniquement)
92340 Bourg-la-Reine, France
web page:

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