Hi Walter,
On Fri, May 03, 2002 at 09:06:31AM +0200, Walter Saner wrote:
> > > 
> > > |> > erzwingen: blablubb |> /dev/null
> Vermutlich ist >| gemeint, das ein gesetztes "noclobber" übersteuert.
> man bash:
> |         [n]>word
> |
> | If  the  redirection operator is >, and the noclobber option to the
> i set builtin has been enabled, the redirection will fail if the file
> | whose name results from the expansion of word exists and is a regu­
> | lar  file.   If  the  redirection  operator is >|, or the redirection
> | operator is > and the noclobber option to the set builtin command
> | is not enabled, the redirection is attempted even if the file named
> | by word exists.
ja, guter Tip, da macht Gorans Bemerkung auch Sinn; bin beruhigt :)


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