
nach einem dist-upgrade auf das aktuelle SARGE geht mein ISDN nicht mehr.

Beim Start sieht noch alles normal aus:

May 26 21:47:58 thor kernel: CAPI Subsystem Rev
May 26 21:47:58 thor kernel: fcpci: module license 'Proprietary' taints kernel.
May 26 21:47:58 thor kernel: fcpci: AVM FRITZ!Card PCI driver, revision 0.6.2
May 26 21:47:58 thor kernel: fcpci: (fcpci built on Mar 22 2005 at 20:51:28)
May 26 21:47:58 thor kernel: ACPI: PCI interrupt 0000:03:0b.0[A] -> GSI 19 
low) -> IRQ 177
May 26 21:47:58 thor kernel: fcpci: AVM FRITZ!Card PCI found: port 0x5000, irq 
May 26 21:47:58 thor kernel: fcpci: Loading...
May 26 21:47:58 thor kernel: fcpci: Driver 'fcpci' attached to stack. (152)
May 26 21:47:58 thor kernel: fcpci: Stack version 3.11-02
May 26 21:47:58 thor kernel: kcapi: Controller 1: fcpci-5000-177 attached
May 26 21:47:58 thor kernel: kcapi: card 1 "fcpci-5000-177" ready.
May 26 21:47:58 thor kernel: fcpci: Loaded.

Doch dann kommt beim starten von isdnutils:
 * Restarting ISDN services:
 *  no ISDN cards configured! Please configure 'hisax' module with modconf
 *     Read /usr/share/doc/isdnutils-base/README.HiSax.gz for more information
 *     (e.g. with 'zless /usr/share/doc/isdnutils-base/README.HiSax.gz').

Dabei habe ich doch capi und gar nicht hisax ...

Dann kann ich zwar einmal ins Internet gehen, wenn die Verbindung aber mit 
getrennt wird sehe ich bei der nächsten Einwahl

May 26 21:54:21 thor kernel: kcapi: appl 1 ncci 0x10101 down
May 26 21:54:22 thor pppd[3751]: capiplugin: disconnect(remote): "" -> 
outgoing 0x3490 (0x3301) - Normal call clearing
May 26 21:54:31 thor pppd[3751]: LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
May 26 21:54:31 thor pppd[3751]: capiplugin: phase disconnect (was establish).
May 26 21:54:34 thor pppd[3751]: controller 1: listen_change_state state=1 
May 26 21:54:34 thor last message repeated 2 times
May 26 21:54:34 thor pppd[3751]: controller 1: listen_change_state state=0 
May 26 21:54:34 thor last message repeated 2 times
May 26 21:54:34 thor kernel: kcapi: appl 1 ncci 0x10101 down
May 26 21:54:34 thor pppd[3751]: capiplugin: disconnect(local): "" -> "01920783"
outgoing 0x3400 (0x3301) - No additional information
May 26 21:54:34 thor pppd[3751]: capiplugin: phase holdoff (was dead).
May 26 21:54:40 thor pppd[3751]: capiplugin: phase disconnect (was holdoff).
May 26 21:54:40 thor pppd[3751]: Connection terminated.
May 26 21:54:40 thor pppd[3751]: tcflush failed: Bad file descriptor
May 26 21:54:40 thor pppd[3751]: capiplugin: phase dead (was disconnect).

Dies kann ich nur durch ein poff -a und anschliessendem
/usr/sbin/pppd call isdn/arcor

Irgendwelche Ideen was da schief geht?

Matthias Taube

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