
Seit langem wollte ich mal wieder mit mondoarchive Dateien sichern. Ich
nutze Debian Sarge. Ich habe also meine alten alias aus woody-Zeiten
verwendet und bekomme bei folgendem Aufruf eine Fehlermeldung:
"mondoarchive -Ow 4 -I "/home /root /var/mail" -d 0,3,0 -k FAILSAFE -g
-s 700m -l GRUB"

See /var/log/mondo-archive.log for details of backup run.
Checking sanity of your Linux distribution
I think you have a Windows 9x partition.
Mindi --makemountlist /tmp/mountlist.txt.test failed for some reason.
Please run that command by hand and examine /var/log/mindi.log
for more information. Perhaps your /etc/fstab file is insane.
Perhaps Mindi's MakeMountlist() subroutine has a bug. We'll see.
Fatal error... Pre-param initialization phase failed. Please review the
error messages above, make the specified changes, then try again.
---FATALERROR--- Pre-param initialization phase failed. Please review
the error messages above, make the specified changes, then try again.
Please try the snapshot (the version with 'cvs' and the date in its
filename)to see if that fixes the problem. Please don't bother the
mailing list withyour problem UNTIL you've tried the snapshot. The
snapshot contains bugfixeswhich might help you. Go to
http://www.mondorescue.org/download/download.htmlFor more information.
Log file: /var/log/mondo-archive.log
FYI, I have gzipped the log and saved it to /tmp/MA.log.gz
Mondo has aborted.
Execution run ended; result=254
Type 'less /var/log/mondo-archive.log' to see the output log

Die Logfiles sagen mir auch nicht mehr. Die /etc/fstab ist schon seit
Jahren im Einsatz und hat bei Woody auch nicht gestört.

Hat jemand einen Tipp? Sind hier Probleme bekannt?



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