Hallo gerhard,

ich habe was ganz eigenartiges entdeckt...
Matte schon in die fvwm Mailingliste gepostet.

I have set in my ~/.xsession


which write the output to my ~/.xsession-errors and $TMPDIR is
there but I have encountered (using Debian), the behaviour of
xterm in Sarge  is different from xterm under Woody...

If I run (as since 4 years)

*ButtonBar1: (Icon 32x32.xterm.xpm,   Action 'Exec xterm -geometry 92x29+0+150 
-fn 10x20 -title "xterm"              -name "xterm" -n "xterm" -bg blue -fg 
white -sb -sl 8192 &')
*ButtonBar1: (Icon 32x32.filemgr.xpm, Action 'Exec xterm -geometry 94x29+0+150 
-fn 10x20 -title "Midnight Commander" -name "mc"    -n "mc"    -e /usr/bin/mc 
*ButtonBar1: (Icon 32x32.mutt.xpm,    Action 'Exec xterm -geometry 80x28+0+170 
-fn 10x20 -title "mutt"               -name "mutt"  -n "mutt"  -e /usr/bin/mutt 

it was working perfectly under Woody wirh fvwm 2.5.12 as backport.
Now I run Sarge and must setup this:

*ButtonBar1: (Icon 32x32.xterm.xpm,   Action 'Exec xterm -geometry 92x29+0+150 
-fn 10x20 -title "xterm"              -name "xterm" -n "xterm" -bg blue -fg 
white -sb -sl 8192 &')
*ButtonBar1: (Icon 32x32.filemgr.xpm, Action 'Exec xterm -geometry 94x29+0+150 
-fn 10x20 -title "Midnight Commander" -name "mc"    -n "mc"    -e /bin/bash -l 
-c /usr/bin/mc &')
*ButtonBar1: (Icon 32x32.mutt.xpm,    Action 'Exec xterm -geometry 80x28+0+170 
-fn 10x20 -title "mutt"               -name "mutt"  -n "mutt"  -e /bin/bash -l 
-c /usr/bin/mutt &')

Do you see it?

the first line is the same as the line under Wooody and it
works.  But xterm called for "mc" and "mutt" does not work
and need additionaly "/bin/bash -l -c ..."

This is a realy weired problem and I do not know, WHO to contact!

OK, I think, now, its not a fvwm error, but do you have an idea
how to trackdown this issue?

Was sagste jetzt dazu?

    Michelle Konzack

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/
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