Hallo ;-)

Ich habe eben mein System von potatot auf sarge gebracht und nun habe
ich das Problem das Sylpheed und Sylpheed Claws nicht mehr will wie es

Wen ich es starte bekomme ich eine Systemauslastung von nahezu 100%,
dann wird das Programm aufzurufen und man sieht auch den Rahmen aber es
dauert ewig bis es dann verfügbar ist (früher ging das in Sekunden). Wen
ich dann irgend etwas im Programm machen will stürzt es ab.

Darauf hin habe ich es in einer Konsole (xterm) gestartet und folgende
Ausgaben erhalten:

sturmkind@blackbox:~> sylpheed-claws                        
The font "-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal--12-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1,
-*-arial-medium-r-normal--12-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-15,*-r-*" does not
support all the required character sets for the current locale
  (Missing character set "ISO8859-15")
  (Missing character set "ISO8859-15")
The font
does not support all the required character sets for the current locale
  (Missing character set "ISO8859-15")
  (Missing character set "ISO8859-15")
The font
does not support all the required character sets for the current locale
  (Missing character set "ISO8859-15")
  (Missing character set "ISO8859-15")
The font
does not support all the required character sets for the current locale
  (Missing character set "ISO8859-15")
  (Missing character set "ISO8859-15")
The font
does not support all the required character sets for the current locale
  (Missing character set "ISO8859-15")
  (Missing character set "ISO8859-15")

Gdk-CRITICAL **: file gdkfont.c: line 223 (gdk_font_ref): assertion
`font != NULL' failed.

Gdk-CRITICAL **: file gdkfont.c: line 223 (gdk_font_ref): assertion
`font != NULL' failed.

Gdk-CRITICAL **: file gdkfont.c: line 223 (gdk_font_ref): assertion
`font != NULL' failed.
The font
does not support all the required character sets for the current locale
  (Missing character set "ISO8859-15")
  (Missing character set "ISO8859-15")

Gdk-CRITICAL **: file gdkfont.c: line 223 (gdk_font_ref): assertion
`font != NULL' failed.

Gdk-CRITICAL **: file gdkfont.c: line 223 (gdk_font_ref): assertion
`font != NULL' failed.
The font
does not support all the required character sets for the current locale
  (Missing character set "ISO8859-15")
  (Missing character set "ISO8859-15")

Gdk-CRITICAL **: file gdkfont.c: line 223 (gdk_font_ref): assertion
`font != NULL' failed.

Gdk-CRITICAL **: file gdkfont.c: line 223 (gdk_font_ref): assertion
`font != NULL' failed.
The font
does not support all the required character sets for the current locale
  (Missing character set "ISO8859-15")
  (Missing character set "ISO8859-15")

Davor lief Sylpheed und auch Sylpheed Claws immer absolut stabil und
zuverlässig aber nun ist es nur noch das pure Grauen.

Weis einer von Euch wie ich das wieder hinbekomme?

Danke im Voraus



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