
Lars Weissflog wrote:
Hi List,
after I have successfully installed woody on my Omnibook XE3, I begin to
realize that many packages are rather outdated in this "stable" release.
So I tried to find Information on how to install Sarge instead, but
googleing half the day did not give me any hint on how to do so.

Bei uns hast aber was anderes gepostet:
"Nun habe ich etwa eine Stunde damit zugebracht, nach einer Anleitung
für die Installation von Sarge zu suchen."

could anyone help me with this? Where do I get a Net-boot-floppy? I really
don't want to download the "unofficial" CD-ISOs that are out there because
they are sooooo BIG.

Any help greatly appreciated!
In meine PM ist deine Lösung :-)


Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Yevgen Reznichenko.

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