Harald Chocholacs said:
> Hallo liebe Liste,


nach dieser anleitung habe ich meine exim.conf geändert, derade am


Modifying exim.conf

To get the ball rolling, you first need to make a few changes to your
existing exim.conf file, usually in /etc/exim.

First, let's modify the transports section of exim.conf. The specific
transport that we want to modify is local_delivery. When you're done, it
should look something like what's below, from my exim.conf:

  driver = appendfile
  group = mail
  mode = 0660
  mode_fail_narrower = false
  envelope_to_add = true
  return_path_add = true

  maildir_format = true
  prefix = ""

The directory, maildir_format, and prefix options were added with the
values above. This will enable side wide Maildir support. The ${home}
variable is expanded out to the user's directory prior to a delivery. You
can change the directory path to something else, but the default is the
standard and recommended Maildir location.

klappt alles super.

gute nacht

mit freundlichen Grüßen

Christian "SPITFIRE" Borchmann

URL: http://www.borchi.de

Weekend Warrior´s Clan

URL: http://www.ww-clan.com
IRC: irc.de.quakenet.org #ww-clan

Jagdgeschwader 2 "Richthofen"

URL: http://www.jg2.de
IRC: irc.sturmovik.de #jg2

Gut gekotzt ist halb gefrühstückt...
(old german wisdom)

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