On 2004-03-20, Christian Schoepplein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> -----
> Warning: Unknown(): open_basedir restriction in effect. 
> File(/var/www/confixx/html/poplogin/index.php) is not within the 
> allowed path(s): (/var/www/web3/) in Unknown on line 0
> Warning: Unknown(/var/www/confixx/html/poplogin/index.php): failed to 
> open stream: Operation not permitted in Unknown on line 0
> Warning: (null)(): Failed opening '/var/www/confixx/html/poplogin/index.php' for 
> inclusion (include_path='.:/var/www/confixx/html/include:/var/www/confixx/html')
> in Unknown on line 0
> -----

das sieht mir eher nach einem Konfigurationsproblem als einem PHP Bug
aus. Check mal deine php.ini und pass die open_basedir Direktive deinen
Bedürfnissen entsprechend an.

    - michael

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