Hi Alexander,

> Was sind »PexTools Professional«?

Ein Toolsammlung, u.a. zum Lesen von C1/BLER // C2 und diversen anderen
Merkmalen einer CD.


| The following additional functions and features are currently only
| available for a small selection of Top-Class drives such as the
| PlexWriter Premium and PX-712 series:
| * 'Drive Settings' page with GigaRec, SecuRec and Silent Mode.
| * 'Q-Check C1/C2 Test' measures the quality of a written or pressed
|   disc by counting the number of low level errors.
| * 'Q-Check FE/TE Test' measures the mechanical characteristics of
|   blank media.
| * 'Q-Check Beta/Jitter Test' shows the write quality by checking the
|   jitter rate and the beta value of written media.
| * 'Q-Check PI/PO Test' measures the quality of a written or pressed
|   disc by counting the number of raw data errors.

Herzliche Grüße,
"[...] denn es ist die Sprache, die den Strom der Zeit anhält. Es
existiert keine Statik, es gibt keine Endgültigkeit des Anfangs und des
Endes." Heinz von Foerster

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