No dia 24/02/2007 às 01:17,
Jair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu:

> Em 23/02/07, Ataliba Neto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu:
> >
> >E quando o rsync é feito no mesmo computador em dois hd's diferentes?

Olá amigo.
Acompanhe abaixo.

$ mkdir foo foo2

$ touch foo/file1
$ touch foo/file2

$ rsync -avo --delete foo/ foo2/

building file list ... done

$ ls -lh foo*

total 0
-rw-------  1 leandro leandro 0 2007-02-24 03:52 file1
-rw-------  1 leandro leandro 0 2007-02-24 03:52 file2

total 0
-rw-------  1 leandro leandro 0 2007-02-24 03:52 file1
-rw-------  1 leandro leandro 0 2007-02-24 03:52 file2

$ rm -fv foo/file1

removed `/home/leandro/tmp/foo/file1'

$ rsync -avo --delete foo/ foo2/

building file list ... done
deleting file1

sent 101 bytes  received 26 bytes  254.00 bytes/sec
total size is 0  speedup is 0.00

$ ls -lh foo*

total 0
-rw-------  1 leandro leandro 0 2007-02-24 03:52 file2

total 0
-rw-------  1 leandro leandro 0 2007-02-24 03:52 file2

$ touch foo/file3

$ rsync -avo --delete foo/ foo2/

building file list ... done

sent 151 bytes  received 48 bytes  398.00 bytes/sec
total size is 0  speedup is 0.00

$ ls -lh foo* 

total 0
-rw-------  1 leandro leandro 0 2007-02-24 03:52 file2
-rw-------  1 leandro leandro 0 2007-02-24 03:56 file3

total 0
-rw-------  1 leandro leandro 0 2007-02-24 03:52 file2
-rw-------  1 leandro leandro 0 2007-02-24 03:56 file3


$ rsync --help

 -v, --verbose               increase verbosity
 -a, --archive               archive mode; same as -rlptgoD (no -H)
 -o, --owner                 preserve owner (root only)
     --delete                delete files that don't exist on the sending side

Espero ter ajudado.

Um abraço


Leandro Padilha Ferreira - GPG ID: A7FB969E - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
El que no esta acostumbrado a los calzones se le pelan los cojones 

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