Ola Hamacker, ja aprendi como se chega no path, so me confirma se estou fazendo certo, encontrando o path e com o botão direito/modificar/ e acrescentar no final do diretório MEPSCommom:


Quanto ao script usei mas não rodou, na hora que abro e escolho a opção de instalação ou outra e dou ok ele fecha aparece a mensagem padrão que estou trabalhando como root (mesmo abrindo como usuário aparece a mensagem) e nada acontece, instalei todas as dependencias sugeridas como: zenity, cabextract e bash. Faltou alguma coisa?
Abraços e mais uma vez agradeço a voce, ao Fabio e o Gunter pela atencao,

hamacker wrote:
O programa Watchtower Library não carrega suas bibliotecas se voce não
acrescentar as DLLs do MEPS no %path% do seu Windows "falso".
Voce pode fazer isso de duas maneiras :
1) usando o regedit (wine regedit) e indo até a chave
e acrescentando o diretorio do MAPS a variavel PATH, o diretorio do
MAPS é alguma coisa chamada de MEPSCommon no diretorio de instalacao
do proprio programa.

2) Usar o script :
http://hamacker.wordpress.com/sobre-mim/watchtower-library/ que
automatiza todas as funcoes necessarias.  Se já fez isso e não
funcionou, remova a pasta ~/.wtib2008 e execute o atalho que o script
cria e ele se auto-consertará.

Desencana de executar o wine como root, o WINE não roda se o usuario for 'root'.
Já rodei o WTLIB no XFCE e não houve nada excepcional, roda do mesmo
jeito que rodaria no GNOME.

[]'s e sucesso.

2009/4/23 marcos <mar...@acheperto.com.br>:
Olá Hamacker, grato pela ajuda,

32 bits   - Kernel Debian Lenny i486-Fez upgrade para i686.  Instalação
pelos dvds.

Abrindo Thunar como root e clicando no executável dentro da pasta T:

fixme:actctx:parse_depend_manifests Could not find dependent assembly
err:module:import_dll Library uresearch21u.dll (which is needed by
L"Z:\\home\\thiago\\.wine\\drive_c\\Arquivos de
programas\\Watchtower\\Watchtower Library 2008\\T\\wtlibrary.exe") not found
err:module:import_dll Library mepsctls21u.dll (which is needed by
L"Z:\\home\\thiago\\.wine\\drive_c\\Arquivos de
programas\\Watchtower\\Watchtower Library 2008\\T\\wtlibrary.exe") not found
err:module:import_dll Library mepsbrowser21u.dll (which is needed by
L"Z:\\home\\thiago\\.wine\\drive_c\\Arquivos de
programas\\Watchtower\\Watchtower Library 2008\\T\\wtlibrary.exe") not found
err:module:import_dll Library wtappshare21u.dll (which is needed by
L"Z:\\home\\thiago\\.wine\\drive_c\\Arquivos de
programas\\Watchtower\\Watchtower Library 2008\\T\\wtlibrary.exe") not found
err:module:import_dll Library meps21u.dll (which is needed by
L"Z:\\home\\thiago\\.wine\\drive_c\\Arquivos de
programas\\Watchtower\\Watchtower Library 2008\\T\\wtlibrary.exe") not found
err:module:import_dll Library mepscore21u.dll (which is needed by
L"Z:\\home\\thiago\\.wine\\drive_c\\Arquivos de
programas\\Watchtower\\Watchtower Library 2008\\T\\wtlibrary.exe") not found
err:module:import_dll Library ureappshare21u.dll (which is needed by
L"Z:\\home\\thiago\\.wine\\drive_c\\Arquivos de
programas\\Watchtower\\Watchtower Library 2008\\T\\wtlibrary.exe") not found
err:module:import_dll Library wtmmutil21u.dll (which is needed by
L"Z:\\home\\thiago\\.wine\\drive_c\\Arquivos de
programas\\Watchtower\\Watchtower Library 2008\\T\\wtlibrary.exe") not found
err:module:import_dll Library wtgui21u.dll (which is needed by
L"Z:\\home\\thiago\\.wine\\drive_c\\Arquivos de
programas\\Watchtower\\Watchtower Library 2008\\T\\wtlibrary.exe") not found
err:module:import_dll Library ure21u.dll (which is needed by
L"Z:\\home\\thiago\\.wine\\drive_c\\Arquivos de
programas\\Watchtower\\Watchtower Library 2008\\T\\wtlibrary.exe") not found
err:module:import_dll Library ureutil21u.dll (which is needed by
L"Z:\\home\\thiago\\.wine\\drive_c\\Arquivos de
programas\\Watchtower\\Watchtower Library 2008\\T\\wtlibrary.exe") not found
err:module:import_dll Library wtutil21u.dll (which is needed by
L"Z:\\home\\thiago\\.wine\\drive_c\\Arquivos de
programas\\Watchtower\\Watchtower Library 2008\\T\\wtlibrary.exe") not found
err:module:import_dll Library urebo21u.dll (which is needed by
L"Z:\\home\\thiago\\.wine\\drive_c\\Arquivos de
programas\\Watchtower\\Watchtower Library 2008\\T\\wtlibrary.exe") not found
err:module:import_dll Library mepsappshare21u.dll (which is needed by
L"Z:\\home\\thiago\\.wine\\drive_c\\Arquivos de
programas\\Watchtower\\Watchtower Library 2008\\T\\wtlibrary.exe") not found
err:module:import_dll Library wtctls21u.dll (which is needed by
L"Z:\\home\\thiago\\.wine\\drive_c\\Arquivos de
programas\\Watchtower\\Watchtower Library 2008\\T\\wtlibrary.exe") not found
err:module:import_dll Library mepsgui21u.dll (which is needed by
L"Z:\\home\\thiago\\.wine\\drive_c\\Arquivos de
programas\\Watchtower\\Watchtower Library 2008\\T\\wtlibrary.exe") not found
err:module:import_dll Library urectls21u.dll (which is needed by
L"Z:\\home\\thiago\\.wine\\drive_c\\Arquivos de
programas\\Watchtower\\Watchtower Library 2008\\T\\wtlibrary.exe") not found
err:module:import_dll Library wtapputil21u.dll (which is needed by
L"Z:\\home\\thiago\\.wine\\drive_c\\Arquivos de
programas\\Watchtower\\Watchtower Library 2008\\T\\wtlibrary.exe") not found
err:module:import_dll Library ureapputil21u.dll (which is needed by
L"Z:\\home\\thiago\\.wine\\drive_c\\Arquivos de
programas\\Watchtower\\Watchtower Library 2008\\T\\wtlibrary.exe") not found
err:module:import_dll Library appframework21u.dll (which is needed by
L"Z:\\home\\thiago\\.wine\\drive_c\\Arquivos de
programas\\Watchtower\\Watchtower Library 2008\\T\\wtlibrary.exe") not found
err:module:import_dll Library ureappframework21u.dll (which is needed by
L"Z:\\home\\thiago\\.wine\\drive_c\\Arquivos de
programas\\Watchtower\\Watchtower Library 2008\\T\\wtlibrary.exe") not found
err:module:import_dll Library mepsappframework21u.dll (which is needed by
L"Z:\\home\\thiago\\.wine\\drive_c\\Arquivos de
programas\\Watchtower\\Watchtower Library 2008\\T\\wtlibrary.exe") not found
err:module:import_dll Library mepsapputil21u.dll (which is needed by
L"Z:\\home\\thiago\\.wine\\drive_c\\Arquivos de
programas\\Watchtower\\Watchtower Library 2008\\T\\wtlibrary.exe") not found
err:module:import_dll Library MFC80U.DLL (which is needed by
L"Z:\\home\\thiago\\.wine\\drive_c\\Arquivos de
programas\\Watchtower\\Watchtower Library 2008\\T\\wtlibrary.exe") not found
err:module:import_dll Library MSVCR80.dll (which is needed by
L"Z:\\home\\thiago\\.wine\\drive_c\\Arquivos de
programas\\Watchtower\\Watchtower Library 2008\\T\\wtlibrary.exe") not found
err:module:import_dll Library MSVCP80.dll (which is needed by
L"Z:\\home\\thiago\\.wine\\drive_c\\Arquivos de
programas\\Watchtower\\Watchtower Library 2008\\T\\wtlibrary.exe") not found
err:module:LdrInitializeThunk Main exe initialization for
L"Z:\\home\\thiago\\.wine\\drive_c\\Arquivos de
programas\\Watchtower\\Watchtower Library 2008\\T\\wtlibrary.exe" failed,
status c0000135

Aguardo orientações de como lidar com isso.

Marcos Santos

--------- Mensagem Original --------
De: hamacker <sirhamac...@gmail.com>
Para: marcos <mar...@acheperto.com.br>
Cópia: debian-user-portuguese@lists.debian.org
Assunto: Re: Wine / Xfce.
Data: 23/04/09 19:11

Qual a versão do seu wine ?
$wine --version

Está rodando num ambiente 32 ou 64bits ?

2009/4/22 marcos &lt;mar...@acheperto.com.br&gt;:
&gt; Ola pessoal,
&gt; Gostaria de saber sobre instalacao do wine no Xfce.
&gt; Tanto no Gnome como no Kde eu instalo o wine mais as fontes microsoft
e o
&gt; programa que roda nele funciona, mas no Xfce nao tem jeito de
&gt; falta alguma bilbioteca ou alguma configuraco especifica que me
&gt; despercebido.
&gt; Aguardo retorno.
&gt; Marcos.
&gt; --
&gt; To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
&gt; with a subject of &quot;unsubscribe&quot;. Trouble? Contact
&gt; listmas...@lists.debian.org


To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-user-portuguese-requ...@lists.debian.org
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