Meu povo,

vamos aplaudir mais um programa nacional entrando no Debian ;)


Começo da mensagem encaminhada:

Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2001 16:52:18 -0400
From: Gleydson Mazioli da Silva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ITP cdcontrol 


I've released the first public cdcontrol today and I would like to 
see it in the Debian archives. I've licensed CDcontrol under GPL 
licence and it could be downloaded from

The first public and stable release is 1.70 and it's fully compatible
Linux and FreeBSD systems.

Next, a part of CDcontrol README file:
CDcontrol is a parallel writting burner. It allow you to write
to a unlimited number or CD writers (IDE and SCSI) at once time. It's
base is the cdrecord and cdda2wav program. The cdcontrol is the first 
system such that type that I know for *nix world and it's all under 
GPL license. 

Some of it features are better than commercial systems that I've 
hear about (and fully support CD images and all data type supported 
by cdrecord program), one of these features is the separated control
of each recorder once the recording is started (avoiding problems 
due a fail or speed problem in other writers).

Each of that children, take control of the errors messages and status 
of each writter, reporting the status in the user level and tech
level (for repair or something like). 

The inteliggent error checking mechanism is based in some time of
repair that I gave, repairing most types of recorders (IDE and SCSI)
many manufactures. It take the appropriate decision if a error happens.

The cdcontrol itself has a daily production report for each writter and 
fails of writting, in cases of more serious errors, a technical report
also written (it's content is a full cdrecord output for that writter,
the time when it happens).

Added with the separated control of each writter, is included a 
system to auto disable the writter in some consecutive internal
writter errors happen (no users errors are computed).

Other interesting feature is the automatic calculation of copies, 
enabling only the writers requested to complete the number and 
skipping all that are disabled.

The cdrecord program is developed to allow you to find it useful and 
powerful to make you audio/data copy in one or more writers.

Gleydson Mazioli da Silva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I'm already ready to upload the cdcontrol Debian package, if no one
I will do that :-)


Gleydson Mazioli da Silva

    Gustavo Noronha Silva - kov <>
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| `. `'`  |                  Be Happy! Be FREE!                  |
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