
        Estou tentando instalar o software xine, visualizacao de video, e 
durante a execucao do comando ./configure, para a instalacao, apareceu a 
seguinte mensagem de erro :

checking for aalib-config... (cached) no
checking for AALIB version >= 1.2... no
*** The aalib-config program installed by AALIB could not be found
*** If AALIB was installed in PREFIX, make sure PREFIX/bin is in
*** your path, or use --with-aalib-prefix to set the prefix
*** where AALIB is installed.

        Para tentar resolver esse problema instalei os seguintes pacotes :

aalib-bin      1.2-25         sample programs using aalib
aalib1         1.2-25         ascii art library
aalib1-dev     1.2-25         ascii art library, development kit
bb             1.2-9          The aalib-demo with sound-support

        Executei novamente o comando ./configure e mesmo assim apareceu a 
mensagem de erro, acusando a falta do aalib. Por acaso existe algum outro 
pacote relacionado a bibliote aalib ?!?!?!?


[ ]'s

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* GNU/Linux Debian   *  `. `'`
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