On Mon 10 Dec 2001 12:14, rodrigo monteiro wrote:
> Ola!!!!!
> Alguem sabe como EXTRAIR (e nao instalar!!!) um pacote
> RPM para um diretorio qualquer!!!!.Quero pegar o
> conteudo do pacote e jogar em um diretorio , pois
> preciso da libSDL-1.2.so.0 e a "Bendita" se encontra
> em um pacote BLABLABLA.rpm....


$ apt-cache search libsdl |grep '1\.2'
libsdl-image1.2 - image loading library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 1.2
libsdl-image1.2-dev - Development files for SDL1.2 image loading libray
libsdl-mixer1.2 - mixer library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 1.2
libsdl-mixer1.2-dev - Development files for SDL1.2 mixer library
libsdl-net1.2 - network library for Simple DirectMedia Layer
libsdl-net1.2-dev - Development files for SDL network library
libsdl-ttf1.2 - ttf library for Simple DirectMedia Layer
libsdl-ttf1.2-dev - Development files for SDL ttf library
libsdl1.2-dev - Simple DirectMedia Layer development files
libsdl1.2debian - Simple DirectMedia Layer
libsdl1.2debian-all - Simple DirectMedia Layer (with all available options)
libsdl1.2debian-arts - Simple DirectMedia Layer (with X11 and aRts options)
libsdl1.2debian-esd - Simple DirectMedia Layer (with X11 and esound options)
libsdl1.2debian-oss - Simple DirectMedia Layer (with X11 and OSS options)

É só escolher (caso queira mais detalhes, apt-cache show nelas!!!)

 Raphael Derosso Pereira - DephiNit


|  Debian GNU/Linux Addicted User   |
|  Use it, Abuse it. It's Free!!!   |

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