
O proftpd saiu da distribuicao 3.0 R - stable

Qual seria o daemon mais seguro para ser utilizado, da lista mostrada pelo comando apt-cache search ftpd:

bsd-ftpd - Port of the OpenBSD FTP server
ftpd - FTP server
ftpd-ssl - FTP server with SSL encryption support.
lukemftpd - The enhanced ftp daemon from NetBSD.
muddleftpd - A flexible and efficient FTP daemon
oftpd - A secure anonymous FTP server
pyftpd - ftp daemon with advanced features
twoftpd - a simple secure efficient FTP server
vsftpd - The Very Secure FTP Daemon
webmin-wuftpd - wu-ftpd control module for webmin
wu-ftpd - powerful and widely used FTP server
krb5-ftpd - Secure FTP server supporting MIT Kerberos



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