Para todos que devem estar atualizando o seu kernel do debian etch para a versão 2.6.16 deverão enfrentar problemas na compilação do vmware.
Mas a solução deste problema está descrita no seguinte blog:

Que consiste em baixar um patch deste link:

Segue abaixo a reprodução do texto:

VMware Player with the 2.6.16 kernel

Many people have found that the latest VMware player doesn’t build the kernel drivers for the 2.6.16 kernel. I found these instructions via google.

If you get this message, you need to run this script.

The kernel defined by this directory of header files does not have the same address space size as your running kernel.

Download this script, extract it, and cd to the directory that was created. Then run:

sudo ./runme

This script appears to do some patching then dumps you back into

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