-----Mensaje original-----
De: Francisco José Avila Bermejo (Monkiki) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Para: debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org
Fecha: miércoles 22 de septiembre de 1999 10:36
Asunto: Offtopic: ¿Alguien tiene a mano la clave del StarOffice?

>Es que he ido a instalarlo, pero no encuentro la revista, que
>supuestamente trae la clave para instalarlo. Me sería de gran ayuda.

Esto es lo que se ha publicado en es.comp.os.linux.*:

*puntero_loco escribió en mensaje <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>El Wed, 8 Sep 1999 23:22:57 +0200, Andres Herrera
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:
>|El Tue, 07 Sep 1999 23:19:19 +0200, Santiago Romero Iglesias
disidio iscribir:
>|> ¿Alguien me puede dar una clave para un amiguete para que la pueda
>|>instalar con un email y clave de esos que a veces pide la gente a
>|¿Y una clave de las de StarOffice de Solo Programadores Linux? ¿Alguien
>|tiene? Plis, que mi revista traia una etiqueta en blanco!!!!! (vaya
>|que llevo con las revistitas).
>Dado que se ha liberado no creo que haya ningún problema:
>Pero luego te dice que tienes que registrarte antes de 30 días :-¿
>Si alguien sabe alguna solución....

Siguiendo los pasos que indica en la web de Sun, te manda a un
grupo de news en el que esta el siguiente mensaje:
(disculpas por la longitud, pero creo que puede ser interesante
y la descarga de ese servidor me fue muy lenta... la llave viene
al final del mensaje)

"Dear StarOffice User,

We have experienced heavy downloads as a result of our new Star Office
offering.  As a result, some Star Office customers have chosen to
download the old Star Office binaries from various hosts on the web.
Sun wants to discouragethese downloads for the following reasons:

1) The newer version has bug fixes and improved features, and we want
our customers to have the best possible experience with Star Office.

2) The newer version does not require registration to operate. Sun is
not operating the mechanisms for registration as they are not required
for the Sun version of Star Office. As a result, customers who spend
the time to download the old version will find that they cannot run
the software they have acquired.

We are taking several steps to make the download times for the new
version faster. Within the next week, we will offer downloads from
Europe as well as the US. We will also offer a resumable download
feature to reduce the risk of interrupted downloads. We have already
fixed several problems with performance that made downloads slower
previously. And, of course, users  who want to purchase the Star
Office binaries on CD-ROM can do so for only $9.95 US plus shipping
and handling.

However, Sun wants to make sure that all our new and old customers
have the best possible experience with Star Office software. We will
now release a key for general use of the old product with the
following conditions:

1) Users commit to registering on the Sun website,

2) Users understand that any fixes, patches, or service packs will be
provided for the Sun release only. All Star Division subscriptions and
support contracts will be honored, and the new CD is on the way now to
these customers now, enabling them to continue to get high quality
support into the future.

You must enter the following string:

Sun Free Download Version

as the company name on the registration page exactly as spelled here
with all capitalization correct

Then for the key, enter


exactly as written.

These steps will enable you to run the older version of Star Office
until you get the opportunity to upgrade to the current release.

Thanks and kind regards

Matthias Panczyk
Manager StarOffice Competence Center"

Espero que os sea util.

Un saludo


Ricardo Villalba

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