El jue, 28-10-2010 a las 11:21 -0500, cosme escribió:
> Serial line is looped back. que puediera ser???? 

Ni idea, pero ahí van un par de pistas:

[1] 2.5 Why do I get "Serial line is looped back" pppd error message ? 

 Sometimes pppd incorrectly decides that pseudo terminal is looped
 Just add "nomagic" option to ppp command.

[2] Q: When I try to establish a connection, I get an error message
saying "Serial line is looped back". Why? 

A: Probably your connection script hasn't successfully dialled out to
the remote system and invoked ppp service there. Instead, pppd is
talking to something which is just echoing back the characters it
receives. The -v option to chat can help you find out what's going on.
It can be useful to include "~" as the last expect string to chat, so
chat won't return until it's seen the start of the first PPP frame from
the remote system.

Another possibility is that your phone connection has dropped for some
obscure reason and the modem is echoing the characters it receives from
your system.

[1] http://vtun.sourceforge.net/faq.html#2.5
[2] http://ppp.samba.org/ppp/FAQ.html

Un saludo


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