On Thu, 9 Dec 1999, Jose Mari Mor i Fabregat wrote:

> On Thu, 2 Dec 1999, Ismael Canales wrote:
> > El Fri, Nov 19, 1999 at 03:53:30PM -0500, ADnoctum dijo:
> > > ¿Hay alguna librería para programar en modo texto? (algo como Gtk que
> > > tenga botones y cuadros de edición...). Pero para modo texto.
> > 
> Mira el CDK (curses development kit) en:
>       http://www.vexus.ca/CDK.html
> Lo que no se que tipo de licencia es, si me entero ( si me contestan al
> mail que les he mandado) lo posteo aquí.
> A10.

        Ya han contestado (vaya rapidez), aqui os pongo lo que me han

        Jose Mari Mor i Fabregat wrote:
        > Hi,
        >         I interested in "Curses development kit", but i don't know 
        > type of license have.
        >         Can you send me more information about your cdk license??
        >         Thanks
        It's free for use. Do anything you want with it. If you make changes and
        feel they would
        be a great addition, send them to me. Other than that have fun.


        Vexus Consulting Group Inc.
        Web  : http://www.vexus.ca

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