El dom, 20 de feb de 2000, a las 10:56:47 +0100, < Manel Marin > va y dice:

> ¿Que programa se empleará para generar la página de consulta de las listas
>  de correo de Debian? Creo que es lo que busco... ;-)

apt-get install lists-archives :-)

~$ dpkg -s lists-archives
Package: lists-archives
Depends: perl5, mhonarc, procmail, symlinks
Suggests: glimpse
Description: Web archive for mailing lists
 Creates a website of historical posts to mailing lists, in the sorted
 style used by the Debian Project (http://www.debian.org/Lists-Archives).
 It works by subscribing a procmail recipe to the list, so any list
 can be archived.  Full-text searching is possible if glimpse is also
 This package may also be used as the backend archiver for mailman
 (www.list.org).  For the full effect, configure the webserver:
     Alias /Lists-Archives /var/lib/lists-archives/archives

Un Saludo.. ;-)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | http://www.bigfoot.com/~guti |  Fido: 2:346/3.202

... Si quieres tener buena fama, no te dé el sol en la cama.

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