El Fri,17/Mar/2000 a las 01:02:03+0100, Andres Seco Hernandez escribió:
> Hola
> He rebuscado mucho navegando en el dselect, pero no he encontrado el
> paquete que busco. Me sonaba que había un paquete para hacer de pasarela
> entre un puerto serie y sockets, algo así como para acceder a un modem
> desde otro equipo no directamente conectado a el.

  lo más parecido que he visto, y que te puede ayudar, es una nueva opción
de los kernels 2.2, que dice algo así como:

Network Block Device support
  Saying Y here will allow your computer to be a client for network
  block devices, i.e. it will be able to use block devices exported by
  servers (mount filesystems on them etc.). Communication between
  client and server works over TCP/IP networking, but to the client
  program this is hidden: it looks like a regular local file access to
  a block device special file such as /dev/nd0. 

  Network block devices also allows you to run a block-device in
  userland (making server and client physically the same computer,
  communicating using the loopback network device).
  Read Documentation/nbd.txt for more information, especially about
  where to find the server code, which runs in user space and does not
  need special kernel support.

  Note that this has nothing to do with the network file systems NFS
  or Coda; you can say N here even if you intend to use NFS or Coda.

Espero que te sirva.

  Alberto F. Hamilton Castro            |    Tlf:   + 34 922318286
  Grupo de Computadoras y Control (CyC) |    Fax:   + 34 922318288
  Dep. Fisica Fund. y Exp.              |   
    Univ. La Laguna                     |    email: 
    c. Delgado Barreto s/n              |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    38071 La Laguna            SPAIN    |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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